
A platform for discussion and exchange

With PAA Europe a platform is created where discussions can take place on how to sustainably and safely produce and use peracetic acid within the chemistry industry, with the aim to reach a common position among key representatives.

Within the context of this platform representatives analyze the challenges confronting the PAA industry, develop appropriate initiatives and take positions where appropriate.

A few examples of topics tackled by PAA Europe are:

Safety rules

Safety rules for manufacturing, storing and transporting PAA, o.a. safety incident reporting among members and sharing lessons learned, storage regulation per country.

Safety rules

EU regulations

Adherence to EU regulations such as CLP (EC) No 1272/2008, REACH (EC) No 1907/2006 for the safe use of PAA (e.g. registration, eSDS), the BPR (EC) No 528/2012 and the Review Programme (EC) No 1062/2014 for use of PAA as active substance in biocidal products, the explosives precursors legislation, etc.

EU regulations

Chemicals Legislations

Impact of UK Chemicals Legislations as result
of Brexit on PAA chemicals compliance.

Chemical legislations


The way to increased sustainability, e.g. through
the flows of packaging materials, etc


The PAA Europe Groups

The PAA Europe Groups do so by following all relevant regulatory, technical and scientific developments regarding PAA.

They support new studies or projects focusing on PAA, but also communicate with a wide variety of stakeholders (e.g. via other industry and trade associations), institutions, European and national policy-makers, especially those involved in framing regulation, to ensure that members’ views are made known and taken into account where appropriate.